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Previous Preterm Birth

Having another baby
Pregnant Woman and Partner

If you have previously had a baby born premature or needing neonatal care and are having another baby or this is something you are considering, you may have questions or concerns.

Many parents have concerns, this is perfectly normal. It is important to remember that every pregnancy is different and there are people you can discuss this with.

For support, you may find it helpful to visit your GP who will be able to refer you to a Preterm Birth Clinic where you can discuss your previous experience and likely outcomes for any future pregnancies.

Useful Organisations

The Birth Trauma Association are a charity that supports parents who suffer birth trauma (PTSD) after birth.

Mind is a charity that offers support and information for a variety of mental health problems, including postnatal depression and other perinatal mental health problems.

Sands are a registered charity that offers support to family members who has been affected by the death of a baby.

Bliss are a charity that offers support for anyone who has had a baby in neonatal care.

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